Once again Brewing Up is getting the kettle on and in a very organic way we have selected a team, or have they selected themselves?
The last year has been spent finding out what shape vessel we can contain the brew in... Are we stage actors, street performers, carnival processors, clowns, sculptors, dancers, facilitators, artists or all of the above? Do we need a narrative, a stage, less or more performers etc..?
The end point, I hope, will be rich, multi-layered and surprising, the result of a well developed and complicated brew which leaves traces of all the select flavours of the core team over the three years and allows their distinct talents to combine... like a good thirst quenching cuppa!
Having discovered that the company has the potential to break its own mould, exploring a new blend of processional street theatre, this year, we are concentrating our work on the blend -that is, developing the performers and artists and 'the team'.
So just before our first rehearsal some weeks ago, I met with Sian Thomas, co-director and appointed Dramaturg for Brewing Up. I was impressed with her need to get to the bottom of her role and to understand our journey so far. And I found it difficult to describe an organic process in which the shapes are ever changing.
If you saw us last year, prepare to be surprised; it promises to be a very different cup of tea!
Our next performance of the show will be at Carnival Network South East Gala, following Cowley Road carnival in Oxford, on 3rd July from 1pm onwards. See you there then?
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